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Bronze Square Labyrinth

Unlike a maze that forces decisions, in a labyrinth, the only choice is whether or not to turn back before reaching the path's conclusion, in this case, the center.

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Presenting a Square-Style Labyrinth
 proportions close to Phi
- or the Golden Section -
hence the bronze title.

- 3D Structures -

These pyramidal labyrinths can be comprised of only one singular wall of varying heights, however the central pillar and open-corner mark add a completed touch. Additionally, the dedicated entrance and exit offers continuous walking-flow without cross-traffic when the diagonal sections of the path are ~4 feet or wider.

These structures can be aligned with the cardinal directions, either as single labyrinths, or in a complex. Features may include a fountain, flame, wind element, Tesla coil, obelisk, statues, etc. Potential stylizations are numerous, possibly wondrous.

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Potential Applications

-Outdoor public displays, megalithic additions to Earth, hanging gardens, indoor museum venues showcasing artworks  along  a  single  winding  hall, cemetery monuments, etc. 

​Potential Locations:

-Near water and roadway crossings, to be seen from the bridges, such as West Memphis on the River Mississippi.


​-New York City's Central Park, San Francisco's Golden Gate Park / beach, garden features in your local region / park. 


​-Pyramidal Labyrinth Complex at Four Corners National Monument, U.S.A. with one labyrinth in each state: AZ, UT, CO, NM, and/or one central labyrinth where walkers cross in and out of the four states to get to the monument marker in the middle.


-Washington D.C. National Mall / Arlington National Cemetery. 


-Near existing megalithic pyramid sites, such as: Egypt, Mexico, China, etcetera.


How would you design and arrange a square-style pyramidal labyrinth complex, dedicated to honor the classical elements of nature?

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